Dvidshub.net (the Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System) recently ran an article about a July 28th training held for U.S. soldiers with the 109th Transportation Company, 87th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan. The training was provided courtesy of the DynCorp Camp Leatherneck Fire Department during a safety stand down day. Soldiers trained on the TRI-MAX 30 CAF system, which has been approved by the U.S. Army to replace the halon and 150 lb. dry chemical systems on all Army flight lines.

From the article:

The purpose of the training was to share the importance of fire safety in a desert environment. Asheville, N.C., native Tom Parson was the primary instructor for the exercise.

“(Many) people have never experienced a fire (first-hand),” said Parson, who has served as a firefighter since 1986 and at Camp Leatherneck for three years. “This gives the Soldiers a chance to judge what they are up against.”

Second Lt. Daniel Stonecypher, the safety officer for 109th TC, organized the training. He said that incorporating subject matter experts contributed immensely to his company’s readiness.

“The fire department takes pride in training various units on Camp Leatherneck to ensure Soldiers are prepared in the event of an emergency situation,” said Stonecypher.

The Soldiers trained on the Tri-Max Fire Suppression unit, which holds a 30-gallon mixture that produces foam to douse the flames. The fire department presented realistic scenarios that could threaten the unit while deployed and ignited multiple, staged, flammable wood piles for the troops to tactically extinguish.

TRI-MAX 30 gallon

TRI-MAX 30 gallon units produce approximately 600 gallons of high energy finished foam and allow for a minimum 75-foot standoff distance. The same system was featured earlier this year on the National Geographic Channel’s Inside Combat Rescue program, showing a similar training at Kandahar Airfield.

It’s extremely gratifying to see our products being put to good use in Afghanistan, effectively neutralizing aircraft, vehicle and structure fires safely. Special thanks goes out to the soldiers with the 109th Transportation Company, the DynCorp Camp Leatherneck Fire Department, and all servicemen and women, for the important work they’re doing overseas and here in the United States.

For more information about or TRI-MAX 30 CAF units, or any of our products, please contact our sales department by calling 530.722.0272 or visiting https://trimax.us/contact/.


Photo Credit:  (U.S. Army photo by 1st Lt. Amanda Cookman, 87th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 3rd Sustainment Brigade)

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