Inside Combat Rescue, a program on the National Geographic Channel, recently featured the TRI-MAX 30 Wheeled CAF system in their Fire Suppression Training episode. In the episode, PJs and CROs at Kandahar Airfield are trained by Army firefighters to suppress fires with foam. During the program, one serviceman remarks that the system can be used to put out aircraft fires from a distance 60 feet away. He was close. The system actually allows for a minimum 75-foot standoff distance. It also contains 30 gallons of foam solution that produces approximately 600 gallons of high energy finished foam. Because of this, it has been approved by the U.S. Army to replace the halon and 150 lb. dry chemical systems on all Army flight lines.
During an especially light moment, one serviceman in training gets some “foam in the face” while deploying the unit. While humorous to watch, this can be avoided by simply tightening the nozzle.
Thanks to the National Geographic Channel for featuring our product. An extra special thanks goes out to the servicemen and women for the work they’re doing overseas! It’s great to see the 30 Wheeled CAF system in action, effectively neutralizing aircraft, vehicle and structure fires safely.
The program will air again on the National Geographic Channel on Friday, May 24 at 4AM ET.
Click on the link below to watch the video on the National Geographic Channel’s website.